I’m Sil. I’m a PhD student in Information Science at Cornell University studying under David Mimno and Matthew Wilkens. Here's my CV.

What do I study? My goal is to sharpen intuitions on where humans and language models epistemologically diverge. My published research draws on narratology and model interpretability to investigate how LLMs capture cultural concepts in areas like jurisprudence, journalism, and storytelling.

Want to connect? Reach out to me on Bluesky, email, and LinkedIn.

Software Projects

DocPlot, private semantic search in the browser.
COVID-17, showcasing a counterfactual COVID narrative.
semantic-space, for generating thesauruses from latent space.
adsb-utils, for mapping ADS-B packets offline.
feature-space-explorer, for plotting sentence embeddings in n-dimensions.

Online Courses

Generative AI For Journalists. 350 students.
How to use ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in your newsrooms. 10k+ students and translated into Spanish and Portuguese.


Run LLMs On Your Laptop. Media Party.
Workshop and Mixer on ChatGPT. Brown Institute for Media Innovation.